Collection: Adhesives

What is an Adhesive?

Adhesives are substances that bond materials together. They can hold surfaces in place through various forms like chemical bonding or mechanical interlocking. For example, glue is a common adhesive found in homes, used for crafts or quick fixes. But, not all adhesives are the same; they vary in strength and purpose, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

Types of Adhesives

There are many types of adhesives available, and each serves a specific purpose. Some popular types include PVA glue, epoxy, and hot glue. PVA glue is great for paper and wood projects, while epoxy provides a strong bond for metal and plastic materials. Therefore, knowing which adhesive to use can save you time and frustration during projects.

Choosing the Right Adhesive

When selecting an adhesive, consider the materials you are bonding and the conditions they will face. For instance, if you're fixing something outdoors, look for weather-resistant options. But, if it's an indoor craft, PVA might suffice. Additionally, remember that the application method—like brush, spray, or squeeze—will also impact effectiveness, so choose according to your project needs!